Ju-Jitsu world mourns Honorary JJIF President Herbert Frese

Today the JJIF Board must express our regrets for the loss of a great friend and extraordinary fighter, Herbert Frese.

In the night of 11th March 2014, he lost his last fight with illness and passed away in peace.


Herbert Frese has been involved in martial arts at the different levels and in different countries. Professionally involved as a police officer (since 1974) ,he got in contact with karate and boxing, until he started in 1979 to practice Judo and Ju-Jutsu. He successfully participated in numerous national competitions and continued training. All his Budo life, he never stopped learning and developing his abilities. He is the author of six books and a video with a topic of self-defence and personal safety.

In his sport career, he held a position of club board member, Hessian Ju-Jutsu Association board member from 1991 to 1995, President of Hessian Ju-Jutsu Association from 1995 to 2005 and President of German Ju-jutsu Federation (DJJV) from 2000 to 2010.
From 2010 (and before) he has been involved in the development of Ju-Jitsu in other countries and continents as a special advisor to the JJIF Board and, from 2012, also as President of Ju-jitsu European Union (JJEU).
In 2013, the JJIF board awarded him as “Honorary JJIF President” for his positive influence on Ju-Jitsu in the last decades and an example of fighting spirit.

He was a fighter and he fought the illness with great courage and optimism. Although things were not always looking good, he stayed strong, active, helping, being involved in JJIF and JJEU projects and, above all, he was here for all of us when we need a leader - leader with example and professionalism, with a quiet voice, but a strong ethical and moral code.

We have lost a sportsman, brother in martial arts, great visionary and before all that, a good friend. We express our deepest feelings of sympathy to Herberts’s wife, Sina, and their family.
He will always be in our thoughts and prayers.  May he rest in peace!

Erstellt von:  JJIF Board
Erstellt/Geändert:  11.03.2014

Video WC Bangkok

Video Athens 2015