New collaboration of Panathlon International and JJIF
Panathlon is a “Service-Club” with ethical and cultural aims, whose goal is to closely examine, promulgate and defend the values of sport intended as a means towards the development and advancement of the individual and as a vehicle of solidarity between men and peoples.
Panathlon International is the association of all “Panathlon Clubs”, essentially based on the voluntary work of its Club members.
The word “Panathlon” is of Greek origin, and can be translated with “group of sport disciplines” and its motto “Ludis Iungit” means “united by sport".
Panagiotis Theodoropoulos representing the JJIF singed the agreement of collaboration with Panathlon during the General Assembly May 24th / 25th, 2014 in Rapallo Italy.
JJIF Vice President Igor Lanzoni represented Sportaccord with a presentation.
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