Dario Quenza New JJEU President

Mr Dario Quenza from Italy was elected as new JJEU President at the extraordinary General Assembly in Paris. Among three candidates (Mr Philippe Merlin from France and Mr Michael Korn from Germany) he received absolute support from national delegates.

Dario was treasurer of the JJEU for the last 10 years and is connected to Ju-Jitsu for all his life.

At the beginning of the General Assembly the President of French Judo Ju-jitsu Federation (FFJDA) Mr Jean-Luc Rouge addressed the delegates and welcomed them on the World Ju-jitsu Championship. JJIF General Assembly which took place after JJEU gave insight of several of activities of JJIF leadership. Through the reports and debate all departments showed that JJIF is moving forward. And that was also one of the positive thoughts before the first competition day of 2014 World Championship.

Erstellt/GeƤndert:  30.11.2014

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